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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Everyone's Welcome at Woodstock (PHSE)

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everyones welcome at woodstock overview.pdf


  1. To develop pupils understanding of the Equality Act 2010 and the protected characteristics. 
  2. To develop pupils understanding of the British values of; democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. 
  3. To ensure that our school community supports and respects pupils with different families 
  4. To respect and accept each other’s; Beliefs, Identity, Race, Gender, Family, Religion 
  5. To accept and celebrate diversity 
  6. To understand that healthy relationships are: 
    1. Positive 
    2. Welcoming towards others 
    3. Do not make others feel lonely or excluded
  7. To know the characteristics of friendships including: mutual respect; truthfulness; trustworthiness; loyalty; kindness and generosity 

The aims will be achieved by: 

  • Teaching PHSCE and RSE as part of our Everyone’s Welcome at Woodstock weeks. 
  • Developing ‘Talk Time’ at home using visual representations of the protected characteristics, British Values and key questions to evoke conversation between families.  
  • Holding a weekly mindfulness assembly where visual representations of the protected characteristics and British Values are used to encourage conversations between pupils about the world around them. 
  • Pupils completing their own ‘Everyone’s welcome at Woodstock Passport’ at the end of a PHSCE unit that shows their understanding of the key teaching.  

Our Mission Statement 

At Woodstock it doesn’t matter if you are a boy or a girl or if you are big or small. It doesn’t matter what colour your skin is or what religion you believe in or how quickly you learn or how strong you are. It doesn’t matter if you find things easy or hard and it doesn’t matter where you’ve come from or what shape your family is; if you live with mum and dad, mum and step – dad, auntie, grandma or a carer or you have two mums or two dads. It doesn’t matter how unique you are or what your hopes and dreams are because EVERYONE is welcome at Woodstock. 

A Bespoke Programme 

Everyone’s Welcome at Woodstock is a bespoke programme which encompasses the core values of RSE and PHSCE taught at our school. A half termly project develops our beliefs and values system across the school; at the start of each half term, an Everyone’s Welcome at Woodstock themed week reinvigorates the core values of the programme and ensures that the key message is at the forefront of all we do. 

Each class produces an Everyone’s Welcome at Woodstock display at the start of each half term which reflects the theme and texts that the year group are focusing on. Pupil’s learning is also celebrated in a class folder and provides evidence of the objectives being covered.  

In order to provide pupils the ability to access our broad and balanced curriculum and allow children to experience and engage in a variety of interesting and aspirational topics,

Everyone’s Welcome at Woodstock is an approach that reflects, celebrates and addresses the rich, diverse local community that Woodstock serves. This provides our pupils with the ability to access the broad and balanced curriculum and allows children to experience and engage in a variety of interesting and aspirational topics. Everyone's Welcome at Woodstock ensures that our pupils are able to accept and respect differences, challenge stereotypes and be prepared for life in modern Britain.  

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