News Stories
Nursery News
Monday 10 February 2025 Nursery Castles We are learning about castles in F1 and who lives in a castle. The children have had a tea party role play, gems in green playdough, a role play castle with lots of dressing up, a pamper station, and a small world castle and characters. The children have been mark making patterns on swords and getting creative with sticking a range of different materials on shields. The best part was seeing all of the children make a castle out of recycled materials and bring it in as part of their home learning project for a show and tell.
Friday 31 January 2025 F1 Pirates The children have explored all the activities and especially enjoyed the small world pirates and the role play pirate ship. We went on our own treasure hunt where the children followed a simple map to find gold and silver chocolate coins. Our story has been 'Pirates in Pyjamas' so we ended the week with the children coming in wearing their own pyjamas.
Friday 17 January 2025 F1 Goldilocks For the past two weeks in F1, we have been reading the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. The children in F1 have enjoyed the fun activities and have all loved retelling the story. We have learnt the number language 1,2,3 and the sizes 'big', 'medium' and 'small'. We ended the week making some of our own teddy bread learning how to chop, spread and counting the correct amount of banana's and raisins we needed.
Monday 16 December 2024 F1 Christmas Topic In F1 for the past two weeks, we have been exploring the celebration 'Christmas'. The children have enjoyed taking part in the nativity, singing Christmas songs, decorating the tree, our Christmas stay and play and taking part in all the other activities we have had in the classroom. The children have also had two dress up days with Elf day and Christmas jumper day for charity causes.
Wednesday 4 December 2024 The Gingerbread man In F1, the children have loved reading 'The Gingerbread man' story for the past two weeks. We have been learning to retell the story and the repeated refrains, using masks outside to chase the Gingerbread man. Indoors, we have made Gingerbreads with playdough, adding the correct number of eyes and buttons, made colour patterns using pegs and boards, fished numbered Gingerbread from flour and decorated Gingerbreads on the creative table. We introduced our Tonie box too and the children loved listening to the story on it before retelling the story using puppets in the puppet theatre. We ended the topic baking our own Gingerbreads and learnt new vocabulary during this process. They looked delicious and thankfully none of our Gingerbreads ran away.
Friday 8 November 2024 F1 Diwali This week in F1, we have been exploring Diwali activities. We have had so much fun talking about what different celebrations we all celebrate. Here are some photos of what we have been doing. We have done some Bollywood dancing, made Diwali cards, made cakes with playdough, got creative making fireworks and lentil sticking, explored rice play, made rockets using blocks and ended the week tasting poppadom's and mango chutney.
Friday 10 May 2024 F1 Holiday Topic Following on from our topic about transport in F1, we have spent the last two weeks learning and talking about holidays. We shared holiday photos, had an ice cream shop role play, a beach theme role play, under the sea creatures in the water tray and for maths we learnt to make a repeating pattern. We got lucky with the hot weather and had so many fun activities outdoors too. The nursery children had rollers and brushes, fun with paddling in the water and finished off with eating some yummy ice lollies!
Friday 26 April 2024 Nursery - Transport This week in F1, we have been learning about 'transport'. The children have really enjoyed this topic! They have rubbed on stencils to make vehicles and been laying on their backs and drawing under tables to strengthen their arms. The children have used an upside down table as a vehicle and wrote tickets, and done lots of cutting and transport puzzles. The children have got creative making vehicle tracks in paint and went on an environment walk where we spotted different transport vehicles and named things in our local environment. During our outdoor play, we took the bikes and scooters down hills and followed traffic signs, waiting when to 'stop' and 'go'. We ended the week with the children bringing in their own bikes or scooters and enjoyed riding them on the big playground with road markings. What a fun week we have had!!
Friday 19 April 2024 The Three Billy Goats Gruff' In F1 for the past two weeks, we have been reading the story 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. The children have had so much fun exploring the different activities around the classroom and outdoors based around the story. All of the children know the story from memory being able to repeat the main lines and use them in their play.
Tuesday 12 March 2024 F1 Farm Animals This week we are learning to name farm animals in F1. We have had a sensory small world, fishing ducks in the water, dancing like animals using materials, cutting and making masks, using correct materials to decorate farm animals and a farm shop with real fruit and veg. Outdoors the children have been pretending to be farm animals, wearing masks and we have been using crates and other materials to construct our own tractor and sing 'Old McDonald'. The children even had the opportunity to visit a real farm and see the animals.
Friday 2 February 2024 F1 Superheroes This week in F1, the children have been superheroes. They have learnt a lot of new words and named superpowers they would like. They have dressed up, made masks, made wrist bands that give them superpowers, enjoyed the small world superhero hero figures, matched the correct key to padlock to save tied up superheroes and used tools to save frozen superheroes too! Outdoors the children have painted ice and tried to escape from a web. We ended the week dressing up as superheroes and talking about which superhero they are and what their superpower is.
Friday 26 January 2024 F1 Pirates This week in F1, we have been learning vocabulary based on our 'Pirates' theme. The children have really used their imagination this week and have loved dressing up. In the class we did lots of mark making, made eye patches and telescopes and made our own pirate ship in the role play area. The imaginative play continued outside where we made a pirate ship and walked the plank. For maths we were looking at different patterns in the environment so we ended the week dressing up in patterned clothes.
Friday 19 January 2024 F1 - Exploring Colours In F1, we have been exploring colours and reading the story 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?' this week. The children have made teddy breads which the children really enjoyed eating. They have also enjoyed lots of colour mixing activities and ended the week, dressing up in their favourite colours. Here are some of the children exploring colours.
Thursday 21 December 2023 EYFS Nativity Over the past two days, we have had two fantastic EYFS nativities. The children looked fabulous in their costumes and performed brilliantly with amazing singing, dancing, and acting throughout. Well done to everyone involved in the show.
Thursday 7 December 2023 F1 - People Who help us For the past three weeks in F1, we have been learning about 'People who help us'. The children have really used their imaginations and explored so many fun activities around doctors, police and fire fighters. Here are only some of the photos of what we have been up to.
Friday 27 October 2023 The Gingerbread Man This week in F1, we have been reading the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. The children have really loved saying the repeated refrains in the book and have engaged in all the fun activities in the classroom. Outdoors the children have loved running really fast like the Gingerbread Man wearing masks and singing "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man".
Friday 29 September 2023 F1 Families In F1 last week we were talking about our families. We spoke about who is in our family and how families can be different. We ended the week inviting our family for a stay and play. Thank you to everybody that came.
Friday 7 July 2023 F1 Celebration Picnic Today, F1 had an end of year picnic with all of the children and parents to celebrate all of their learning and hard work this year. They got very lucky with the weather and had a fabulous time! What an amazing year it has been. Now for a new adventure for the children as they move into F2 and full time.
Friday 23 June 2023 F1-Healthy Lifestyles In F1, we have been talking about 'Healthy Lifestyles'. Last week, we focused on what food and drink we can have to be healthy through reading the story 'Oliver's Fruit Salad'. We tasted different types of fruit and created our own fruit salad. On Wednesday the children brought in their own healthy snack.
Friday 16 June 2023 F1 The Very Hungry Caterpillar In F1, we have been learning the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. Last week we read the story and recalled the main events and this week we have been looking at changes and the life cycle. We have had so many fun activities in the class such as threading our own caterpillar necklaces, cutting and sticking caterpillars, making butterflies symmetrical on our creative table and so much more. We even have real caterpillars and the children have loved coming into school every day to see the changes.
Friday 26 May 2023 F1 Minibeasts and name writing In F1, we have been learning about minibeasts. We have been naming them and talking about if they have legs or fly. The children have really enjoyed this topic and the activities. They have explored our small world minibeast tray, made their own minibeasts with playdough and have got creative making bee's and ladybirds in our creative area. In maths we have been learning about length. We ended the week going on our own minibeast hunt and the children found so many minibeasts and were able to name them.
Friday 28 April 2023 F1 Colour Topic This week in F1 we have been learning about 'How many colours are in a rainbow'. We have been exploring different colours. We have had so many colour activities in the class, which the children have enjoyed, especially our ice-cream roleplay and our colour hunt around our school.
Thursday 23 March 2023 F1 Farm Trip F1 have been learning about farm animals. We have had some very fun activities in the classroom. The children have enjoyed our sensory farm small world, farm shop, cutting and drawing farm animals, sticking different materials on farm animals, counting farm animals and threading. We had so much fun when we went on our farm trip to Stonehurst farm. The children had the opportunity to have a tractor ride and see so many farm animals including their new spring babies.
Whole School News
Thursday 19 December 2024 Attendance Rewards & Celebrations As we've reached the end of term, we have celebrated and rewarded lots of children for their fantastic attendance. Well done to Mrs Rid's class who are the best attending class in school enjoyed a fantastic sparkle & shine workshop this week.
Friday 13 December 2024 EYFS Nativity 2024 This week, we have had two fantastic EYFS Nativity performance. The children were fantastic throughout acting, dancing and singing both individually and as a team. All the teachers and parents were very proud.
Wednesday 4 December 2024 Places of Worship Visits This week, our year 3 children have visited a local Gurdwara and had a wonderful time! They enjoyed listening to calming hymns, helped in the langar by sharing food with friends, and learned about Sikh traditions through fun stories.
Thursday 28 November 2024 Reading Cafe Today was the launch of Woodstock's very own Reading Cafe! Both children and parents had loads of fun doing different reading activities, sitting in our immersive reading room and lots lots more! We can't wait to see more of you tomorrow!
Friday 18 October 2024 Attendance Reward & Woodstock Award Winners Today we had an extra reward breakfast for a group of children who have significantly improved their attendance this year. Many of the children have gone from having an attendance of less than 80% over the last academic year to 95%+ this term. Some of them have been here every day which is a significant achievement. We are very proud of them!
Thursday 17 October 2024 Year 3 Stone Age Today Year 3 took a trip back in time to the Stone Age. We learnt incredible facts, looked at a variety of artefacts and we even built Stonehenge using building blocks, amongst many other fantastic activities!
Thursday 10 October 2024 Roving Book Shop Yesterday Woodstock had the Roving book shop visiting us. The children loved looking at all the amazing books & purchasing some to enjoy at home! #readingforpleasure
Sunday 6 October 2024 F2 People Who Help Us
Tuesday 1 October 2024 Macmillan Coffee Morning Thank you to everyone who came to last week's Macmillan coffee morning. We raised £408.57 for a great cause through a school raffle and cake sale. A big thank you to our wonderful Mrs Soni who organised the event and for her kind generosity in donating many of the raffle prices and hampers.
Friday 20 September 2024 Year 3 & 4 Back to School Games Well done to the students who went to Goals today to be involved in a variety of activities including football, dodgeball, cricket & team building activities. It is safe to say with the smiles on their faces when they returned to school that they enjoyed it!
Tuesday 9 July 2024 Year 6 Prom We say goodbye to another fantastic group of children today. Last night, we had our Year 6 Prom to celebrate all of their efforts & achievements. Lots of dancing, laughter & fun was had by all!
Thursday 4 July 2024 Author Visit - Chris Bradford Today we have been very fortunate in having Chris Bradford visit our school! The children have had an amazing time hearing some of his exciting stories, writing inspirational stories and asking questions about his ideas and stories.
Wednesday 3 July 2024 Opal Lunch Launch Day Today we launched our new lunch time offer. The children were excited to explore all areas of the school playground and variety of new open-ended playtime resources. The children were really excited showing problem solving, creativity, empathy, physical skills and teamwork. Take a look at some of the children's fantastic play from today:
Wednesday 3 July 2024 Sports Day We have had two fantastic Sports Days this week. We had a number of events including spring, egg & spoon, sack race, 3-legged, dress up, relay, space hopper, obstacle and a lap race. Well done to everybody who competed who showed excellent endeavour and team spirit. Fun was had by all and a bug thank you to the huge number of parents who attended and cheered on every single race.
Monday 1 July 2024 Babington Academy Language Ambassadors Visit Yesterday, we had the fantastic Babington Language Ambassadors join us to teach French to our KS2 children. The students confidently delivered lessons on numbers, colours & greetings with the children enjoying learning from their peers and applying all of the learning from over the year.
Monday 1 July 2024 Year 2 Warwick Castle Trip Year 2’s spectacular time at Warwick Castle! We were supporting the Red Rose in the jousting competition & the birds were out of this world. A fantastic day had by all!
Monday 1 July 2024 Author Visit On Thursday 4th July we have been very lucky to have an author visit. Chris Bradford will be answering all the children's questions about his books! The children have the opportunity to buy a signed book on the day! They are £8 or less.
Saturday 29 June 2024 School Fayre Thank you to everybody who came to the school fayre. It was lovely to have so many members of the community at the event and fun was had by all. Thanks to your generosity, we raised over £1800. Thank you!
Thursday 20 June 2024 Carnegie Reading Challenge A selection of year 6 children where selected to take part in the Shadow Yoto Carnegies challenge event today at Lancaster Academy. They have been reading a variety of books that were selected for the award - they have been writing there own reviews on each book they have read. Today they could cast their vote and present the book they enjoyed the most to other schools in the trust. They have had an amazing time celebrating reading and making Woodstock proud.
Thursday 13 June 2024 Minibeasts Leading on from learning about minibeasts in F1, we have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. The children have watched the small caterpillars turn into cocoons and then butterflies. They have really enjoyed all the different activities we have had in the class. We ended the couple of weeks, recreating the story by curling up into an egg, laying down on the floor to be caterpillars, tasting the different healthy foods mentioned in the story, pretending to have a stomachache and spinning and wrapping ourselves into a cocoon and then flying away being butterflies.
Monday 3 June 2024 Woodstock Primary Academy Awarded Primary Science Quality Mark We are delighted to announce that just before the half-term break, we were awarded a Primary Science Quality Mark. This is recognition for our hard work in improving our science curriculum and the impact that this is now having. Well done everybody involved!
Friday 26 April 2024 Kingswood 2024 Sadly, our Year 4 Kingswood trip was cut short due to electrical failure. Despite this, the children had a brilliant time and were a credit to the school throughout even in the way that they dealt with the disappointment of having to go home early. During their time there, the children experienced archery, low ropes, zip line, crate stacking, orienteering and a junk modelling challenge. For many, it was there first overnight trip away from home. Well done to everybody involved!
Thursday 21 March 2024 Spring attendance and Easter bonnet competition winners Well done to our Spring attendance and Easter bonnet competition winners. Mrs Dyer’s class as the highest attending class in the school enjoyed a circus workshop to reward all of their efforts. There were also attendance raffles where 5 giant easter eggs were won by children who had a 100% attendance for the final few weeks of the Easter term along with £20 shopping vouchers for 3 children who had been at school every day for the entire spring term. A fantastic achievement.
Thursday 14 March 2024 Year 2 Animal Club Year 2 have been learning all about animals and their habitats and to complement our learning, ‘Animal Club’ visited Woodstock Primary Academy. The Animal Ranger brought along a variety of creatures including: a corn snake, two different types of geckos, a rat, a hedgehog and many more! The children learnt amazing facts about these animals including: their feeding needs, living habitats and where the animals are originally from. Here are some of our photos!
Thursday 7 March 2024 World Book Day 2024 Woodstock enjoyed another fantastic World Book Day with children dressing as their favourite book characters! Children were able to share their love of reading throughout the day and completed reading activities, created their own characters or designed an existing book character using story spoons; designed their own bookmarks, produced book recommendations, attended live lessons and much more. In the afternoon, all children voted for the book that they wanted to listen to and had the chance to share a story with a different teacher.
Friday 22 December 2023 Attendance Rewards We have been celebrating our attendance achievements over the last few days. Firstly, Mrs Rid's class who have collected the most attendance points over the term for being the highest attending class enjoyed a Christmas workshop. Then we had 5 winners from our December attendance competition who won a Christmas hamper having been entered into a raffle for having 95%+ attendance over the last four weeks. Finally, we had a raffle for the 68 children who had achieved 100% attendance since the start of the school year. Everyone of them received a selection box with 3 lucky raffle winners also taking home a £20 voucher. Well done all!
Wednesday 13 December 2023 Christmas Dinner We had a fantastic Christmas dinner celebration today with all of our children and staff enjoying a music filled lunchtime and Christmas cracker. The children loved the food and celebrations with a special mention to some of the EYFS dancing.
Friday 1 December 2023 Elf Day 2023 Today, we celebrated ‘Elf Day’ in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society! The children were really excited and enjoyed the day raising £41.00 in the process.
Friday 17 November 2023 Children in Need Today we raised money to support the Children in Need charity with all the children invited to wear special outfits with a SPOTacular theme and complete activities during afternoon learning time. Thank you to everyone who donated with the school raising £81 for a fantastic charity.
Friday 13 October 2023 Family Breakfast Thank you to everybody who attended this morning's 'Fabulous Family Continental Breakfast' with pastries, fruit platters and a sharing breakfast to start the day. As always, it was lovely to welcome the wider school community into school and we wish everybody a fabulous half-term holiday!